Experience a profound transformation in a single Life Transformation Session


Embark on a transformative journey with our Life Transformation Session.

In one session, we efficiently address multiple areas of your energy field, facilitating a profound transformation of deeply rooted blocked energies. What sets us apart is our unique ability to monitor the healing process in real-time, offering immediate insights.

This holistic approach, combined with the expertise of Christian Walker and Marco Brodbeck, creates a powerful and efficient pathway to unlocking your true potential.

Book your session now for CHF 440.- via Zoom and experience the extraordinary impact of Quantum Field Healing.



Embark on a transformative journey with our Life Transformation Session—an experience like no other. What sets us apart are key factors meticulously woven into our approach, all aimed at unlocking your true potential by delving into the depths of your personal quantum field.

In just a single session, we connect with your unique energy, peeling back layers to identify subconscious beliefs, patterns, and stagnant energies that may be hindering your progress.

Here’s what makes our approach truly unique

Transformation of Deeply Rooted Blocked Energies

Unlike traditional healing methods, our session prioritizes the profound transformation of deeply rooted blocked energies. We delve into the core issues within your quantum field, facilitating a holistic and lasting change.

Efficiency in Addressing Multiple Topics

While standard healing approaches often require multiple sessions to tackle one area or topic, our method stands out by efficiently addressing numerous issues in a single session. This streamlined approach allows us to comprehensively navigate the complexity of your energy field.

Real-Time Monitoring and Results

A distinctive feature of our approach is the unique ability to monitor the healing process in real-time. We observe and assess results as they unfold, providing you with valuable insights into the immediate impact of the session.

Holistic View and Rapid Identification of Blockages:

The power of our approach lies in its holistic view. We systematically address every area of life, including karmic, consciousness, energetic, physical, emotional, mental, and environmental aspects. This comprehensive perspective enables us to quickly and easily identify the main spots of blockage, creating a roadmap for your transformation.

Here’s what you can expect from a session:

Identification of Main Topics

We create a list of the primary issues identified in your quantum field.

Focused Energetic Work

We decide which topics to address energetically during the session, aiming to release and free the stuck energy in your quantum field.

Transformation of Blocked Energies

Experience the transformation of deeply rooted blocked energies, knowing that our unique approach efficiently addresses multiple topics at once.

Post-Session Healing

The healing and energetic transmission continue for an additional 2 weeks, during which you may notice ongoing positive changes. Our unique monitoring capability enables us to observe the process and track results in real-time.


The cost for this powerful one-hour session is CHF 440.-, conducted conveniently via Zoom. For supplementary support between sessions, there is an additional charge per minute, with an hourly rate of CHF 220.-.

Experience the power of Quantum Field Healing – a unique and efficient way to unlock your true potential. Book your session now and embark on a journey of personal transformation!